Who is Dr. MVMNT?
My name is Tucker Wrights, DrOT, I have been practicing as a Doctor of Occupational Therapy for the past 8 years in a neurological movement disorder outpatient clinic. I am also a certified movement specialist, personal trainer, and, integrated manual therapist. Throughout my time practicing, I was able to develop and grow into a managerial position within 3 short years. However, I always knew I had a entrepreneurial spirit and wanted to open my own business. Over the years I have seen the impact neurological conditons affects the whole person physically, psychologically, and socially. I want to provide an outlet and be a source of hope and guidance as a specialized coach for those in need.
In my free time, I enjoy trying new restaurants, playing sports, watching the Steelers, attending concerts, exploring new places, traveling, hitting the beach, listening to podcast, and spending time with my dog Drogo! Please, feel free to reach out to me anytime, I look forward to being a part of your fitness journey!
The Story of Dr. MVMNT:
During graduate school they ask you, do you see yourself as a business owner? I think for most of us the answer was an astounding YES! I mean who doesn't want to do exactly what they love and be their own boss, right? Well, what they forgot to tell you is the necessary experience needed to become a qualified therapist, the guided mentorship that helps in your development, and not to mention the financial debt which makes starting a business almost impossible.
Well, over the past 8 years I have been perfecting my craft, managing clinics, and figuring out the business aspects of running a company. So, I decided to finally start my own Dr. MVMNT. However, this company is built off of experience and understanding of how to provide the best care possible to my clientele. I have watched the same story over and over again and again. Clients receiving mediocre treatment. And not because the professional is not an excellent therapist, but because they are bogged down by the rat race of trying to keep up treating 8-25 patients per day, multiple per hour, on top of countess documentation, on top of building home exercise programs, on top of managing plan of cares for each patient, all while attempting to maintain a healthy home and social life. This is unsustainable and why therapists are leaving the profession at record numbers.
Not only are we confined by the everyday need to keep up, but YOU and your treatment are affected by this also! Being treated by multiple therapists, unexperienced trainers, not receiving individualized treatments, and not to mention battling with insurances. YOU deserve better! And this is why Dr. MVMNT was created. To provided 1 on 1 client specific training that is focused only on your needs and goals.
No more sitting back and making excuses about the poor services you received or the constraints your insurance has put onto your health because Dr. MVMNT was created for you! Take control of your physical well-being today, and get the attention to detail movement services you deserve!